elsa anna frozen

My Son And I Are Sisters

My niece (Tasneem, 9) and her three brothers (Yusuff, 8/Idriss, 5/Shuibb, 4) slept over on the weekend. The boys slept on mattresses on the floor in the living room, Tasneem wanted to sleep on the sofa by herself. 

Me: Tasneem can do whatever she wants because she’s my princess.

Tasneem: Yay!

Ayub: What’s a princess? Why Tasneem princess, Mama?

Me: Because she’s a girl.

Tasneem: What are you Ayub? Are you a princess?

Ayub: I’m a King! A King that sleep on the floor.

Tasneem: What about you Sulaiman? Are you a prince?

Sulaiman: No. I’m Elsa.

Me: Elsa is a queen…

Sulaiman: Yah. I am Elsa. Mama, you are Anna.

Me: Yay!


Sulaiman Writes Emails

Sulaiman recently discovered email much to his delight and sent out a couple emails to his Amah (my mom) and Ah Ku (my brother Adam).

Here are the awesome emails my 3 year old wrote:

3yo writing


3yo writes email


I think they are incrediballs.

He did also write to his Ayah (dad). That particular email consisted of only numbers. From 1 til 10. Ayah did not reply. That makes me sad.

Earlier this evening he wrote to Neni (his father’s mother). But I’m too lazy to take a screenshot of that. I shall save that for another day. So that I have more content for this blog. Ha. Ha.


Things I Feel Like Writing

Sulaiman’s 2nd blog post


pocoyo pocoyo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ayub


adam idris nuh hud  soleh ibrahim luth  ismail  ishak   yaqub yusuf ayub syuaib musa harun zulkifli

daud sulaiman llyas ilyasa yunus zakaria yahya isa  muhammad



What Happens When You Grow Up?

We’re in the car, on the way home from an adventure. The boys sing a bunch of songs really badly. Sulaiman tries to teach Mr Ninja and I how to speak Mandarin. Ayub talks about trains and buildings and construction. This information is not relevant to the following conversation. But I just wanted to add it because I had such a lovely adventure with my three boys, I want to remember it later 🙂


Ayub: Ayub become the baby then become a boy.

Me: Yeah, you were born a baby boy. Now you’re a big boy.

Ayub: Later Ayub become a man like Ayah. Ayah is a man.

Mr Ninja: Later you’ll become an Ayah like Ayah.

Ayub: What?!

Me: When you’re a man, one day you’ll have babies and you’ll be the Ayah.

Ayub: Yeaaaah… Ayub become the Ayah.

Sulaiman: And Sulaiman become the Mama!

Me: Noooo… Sulaiman also become an Ayah. Sulaiman will grow up and become a man. And you’ll be an Ayah.

Sulaiman: No. Sulaiman is the Mama!


It’s Not Nice to Call People Monkeys..!

In the backseat of the car, Sulaiman punches Ayub.

Ayub: Hey! Mama, Sulaiman punch me!

Me: Sulaiman… Why’d you punch Ayub?

Sulaiman: I don’t want Ayub!

Ayub: Cannot punch!

Me: Yes, no punching, no fighting.

Ayub: Why Sulaiman do that Mama?

Me: Because Sulaiman is a cheeky monkey.

Sulaiman: NO! Sulaiman not a monkey! Cannot call Sulaiman monkey Mama!

Me: You’re right, I’m sorry. You’re not a monkey–

Sulaiman: I’m a banana!
