Spiderbaby the Loser

Me: What kind of superpowers do you want?

Sulaiman: No!

Ayub: I want to Spiderman superpower!

Me: That’s cool.

Sulaiman: Me too! I want Spiderman superpower!

Ayub: No, you cannot. I’m Spiderman. You’re NO!

Me: You can both be Spidermen. One Spiderman. One Spiderboy. What about Aisha?

Ayub: Aisha is Spiderbaby.

Sulaiman: Hahaha. Aisha is a loser.




No, it’s Noh, you know?

Me: What’s the new boy’s name?

Sulaiman: (mumbles something that sounds like Noh)

Me: His name is Noh?

Sulaiman: Nooooo…

Ayub: What, no?

Me: I thought Sulaiman said his friend’s name is Noh.

Ayub: No, is like “n” and “o.”

Me: Yes, that’s “no.” But Noh is a name. Of a person. It’s a boy’s name.

Ayub: What boy?

Me: Sulaiman’s friend.

Sulaiman: Noooooooooh…

Ayub: No is like no.

Me: No, Noh is like n-o-h. No is n-o.

Ayub: Oh, I know! Like “I know!”

Me: Haha no, that’s “know” like k-n-o-w. This is Noh like n-o-h.

Sulaiman: Nonononononono…

Me: So is his name Noh?

Sulaiman: Noh. It’s Jeremy.




more more MORE awesome

Ayub: Ayub is the first baby in Mama’s tummy. Then Sulaiman, then Aisha. Right, Mama?

Me: Yeah.

Sulaiman: But I want to be first!

Me: You’re second. Second is awesome.

Ayub: But first is more more MORE awesome.

Sulaiman: It’s not fair. I want to be the first in Mama’s tummy! I never get a chance!


