The World According to Ayub

Ayub really loves babies. This conversation happened a day after this one. Again in the van.

Ayub: Awww so cute the baby!

Me: Yes, he’s very cute.

Ayub: The baby is a…

Me: Oh I know this one! A human. The baby is a human.

Ayub: Yes. Baby is a human.

Me: A cute little baby human boy.

Ayub: No Mama. It’s not a boy. It’s a baby.

Me: He is a baby boy.

Ayub: No-O-o-o… not a boy. Baby is a baby. Later baby become boy or girl. Baby is baby.

Me: Woah… is that how the world works for you?

Ayub: First it’s baby baby. Ayub is a boy not a baby. Later Ayub become a man. Like Ayah. Ayah is a man. But Ayah was a boy then become a man. Mama is a woh-man. Before Mama was a girl. But Ayub not a girl. Ayub is a boy. And the baby is a baby. Later baby become boy and man or baby become girl and woh-man.

Me: Sooooo… Baby is not a boy?

Ayub: No. Not boy.

Me: And baby is not a girl?

Ayub: No. Baby is baby.

Me: Hmmm… ok.


Ayub Just Realized Everybody Has A Name… And He Wants To Know It.

This happens nearly every time we go out to the grocery store or any public place.

Ayub: What’s his name?

Me: Who?

Ayub: That man. (Points to random stranger) What’s his name?

Me: I don’t know. Stop pointing.

Ayub: But what’s his naaaaaame?!

Me: I… Bob. His name is Bob.

Ayub: His name is Bob mama?  His name is Bob?

Me: Yes. His name is Bob.

Ayub: What’s his name? (Points to another random person)

Me: George.

Ayub: George mama? His name is George?

Me: Yes.

Ayub: What’s his name? (This usually goes on for approximately forever)

build a money machine peng joon

The Time The Police Nearly Arrested Me And Sent Me To Jail

Me: Ayub, be careful with that book…

Ayub: I don’t know.

Me: What don’t you know baby?

Ayub: I don’t know why got money, money, money, so many money everywhere.

Me: Oh, it’s because this book is about making money online.

(Ayub opens the book and sees the picture of the author on the inner sleeve)

Ayub: Hey! It’s that him. It’s Uncle Binju.

Me: Yeah! This is Uncle Peng Joon’s book.

Ayub: This is Uncle Binju book?

Me: Yup.

Ayub: Why… why the Mama have Uncle Binju book? Cannot take other people book. That’s naughty. Wait the police come, take Mama, put Mama in the jail!

Me: No no no… Uncle Peng Joon gave me this book, as a present. It’s my book. But Uncle Peng Joon wrote it.

Ayub: …are you suuuuure Mama?

Me: Yes.

Ayub: …ok. But cannot take other people things. Wait the police come and you go to jail.

Me: Ok Ayub.


My 6-Year Old Doctor

I’ve been suffering from strep throat and haven’t been able to speak for the past three days. We went to the doctor this morning and by my second antibiotic this evening I was able to speak.

Me: Ayub look! I can talk!

Ayub: Oh yeah! That’s good Mama. Wait… I want to see your tongue.

I stick out my tongue

Ayub: (nodding) Uh-huh, uh-huh. Now open your mouth.

I open my mouth

Ayub: Hmmm… It’s better Mama. You take your ubat (medicine)?

Me: Yes.

Ayub: Ok. Doctor says Mama have to eat all the ubat. And drink lots of water. Ok, Mama?

Me: Ok Ayub 🙂

yummy chicken

How To Win Any Argument


Ayub: I don’t want chicken.

Me: Eat your chicken, it’s yummy.

Ayub: No, it’s not yummy.

Me: It’s good for you. Eat your chicken, then you’ll be big and strong like Ayah.

Ayub: Ayah is a man.

Me: Yup. If you eat your chicken you’ll be a big, strong man like Ayah.

(Ayub pokes at his chicken and starts eating a few pieces)

Ayub: Mama?

Me: Yes?

Ayub: I don’t want to be a man. I want to be a boy. I don’t want to eat chicken. Chicken make Ayub a man. Ayub is a boy.

Me: Ok. But if you eat your chicken, you’ll be a strong, tall boy. Don’t you want to be a strong, tall boy?

(Ayub goes back to poking his chicken and eating a few more pieces)

Ayub: Mama?

Me: Yes?

Ayub: Ayub don’t want to be strong, tall boy. Ayub want to be Ayub.

Me: But…

Ayub: No. Ayub is Ayub.

(And that’s final apparently!)
