Steve Jobs’ Gift to Me.

Ayub: Mama, why is Ayub spelled A Y U B?

Me: Because that’s how it’s spelled baby.

Ayub: But “EYE-YUB,” it’s like EYE-YUB.

Me: Yessss…

Ayub: Why it’s not I Y U B like Iyub?

Me: Because the letter “i” makes an “ee” sound.

Ayub: What. Then what sound does the letter “e” make?

Me: The letter “e” makes the “uh” sound.

Ayub: What. Uh?

Me: The letter “a” makes an “ah” sound like “ah-yub.” With an “i” it would be “ee-yub.”

Ayub: But the iPad is like “i” and Ayah iPhone is like “i” and Ayub is also like “iYub.”

Me: Ok. iYub.




I Think I Made Him More Confused.

Ayub: Mama, where do cats come from?

Me: Cats?

Ayub: Yeah, do cats come from the ground? Like potatoes?

Me: Ohhh… no, cats come from mama cats.

Ayub: What?

Me: Mama cats have baby cats in their tummy, then they give birth to the baby cats… kittens.

Ayub: A kitten is a baby cat.

Me: Yup. Like the baby in Mama’s tummy. Cats are like that.

Ayub: Cats don’t come from potatoes. Cats come from Mama’s tummy.

Me: Yup. Hmm…



children speak say funny things

Another Ayub Pop Quiz

Ayub straightens his index finger horizontally…

Ayub: What’s this called?

Me: A finger?

Ayub: No!

Mr Ninja: Pointing?

Ayub: Noooo!

Me: Left?

Ayub: Noooooooo! What’s this called?! This! THIS!

Mr Ninja: What’s happening?

Me: Uhhhh…

Ayub: Like this. This one. What’s it called?

Me: Minus! Is it minus? Subtract? Less? Like 5 minus 1?

Ayub: Yeah! Minus! This is MINUS!

