Daily questions from Ayub

  1. Why Aishah take so long?
  2. How big is Aishah?
  3. When is Aishah coming out?
  4. How old is Aishah?
  5. What’s Aishah doing?
  6. What’s Aishah doing now?
  7. And what’s Aishah doing now?
  8. Is Aishah crying?
  9. Can Aishah talk?
  10. What’s Aishah saying?
  11. Does Aishah have a pepet?
  12. Is Aishah a girl?
  13. Is Aishah kicking you?
  14. Why is Aishah kicking you?
  15. Why is Aishah kicking me?
  16. Is that Aishah?
  17. Where’s Aishah?
  18. What’s Aishah doing now?




The Ninja

The Ninja is a working mother of two. You can read about her journey as an aspiring housewife at www.NinjaHousewife.com or at her website about kinda being professional and stuff at www.LailaZain.com

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