Sulaiman loves to upset Ayub. He did it here, and again here. This is what happened yesterday when they decided to play next to a table.
Ayub: Hahaha see Sulaiman is small. He stuck like bang his head! Ayub not small. Ayub is tall.
Me: Yup. Ayub is taller than Sulaiman.
Ayub: No-O-o-o Sulaiman not taller than Ayub.
Me: I know. I said Ayub is taller than Sulaiman.
Ayub: Mamaaaa no-O-o-o Sulaiman not taller!
Me: What’s going on? Ok. Ayub is tall. Ayub is six years old.
Ayub: Yah Ayub is six years old 🙂
Sulaiman: Sulaiman is small.
(Pause for a time to reflect)
Sulaiman: Sulaiman is taller than Ayub.
Ayub: No-O-o-o-o-o Sulaimaaaaaan! NOOOOOO! (starts ranting on the verge of tears)