We drive up to our condo and they are fogging the area.
Me: Woah look! They’re fogging… to kill all the mosquitoes.
Ayub: Wow. They’re focking the mostikoes?
Me: Noooooo… Fogging. Fog-ging.
Ayub: Focking Mama? They’re focking?
Mr Ninja: Fog-GING. Ge. GING. FoGGGG-ging.
Ayub: Foc-king. Foc-king. FOCKKKKK-king. What’s that?
Me: They’re killing the mosquitoes. It’s called fogggggging.
Mr Ninja: Fogging, Ayub. Fog. Ging.
Ayub: I don’t know.
Me: Say fog…
Ayub: FOCK!
Me: Nevermind.