Me: What day is it today?
Ayub: I don’t know.
Sulaiman: It’s Wednesday.
Me: Are you sure?
Sulaiman: Yeah, it’s Wednesday.
Ayub: M-O-N-D-A-Y… Wednesday.

Sulaiman: I’m too small.
Me: You grow bigger and bigger everyday.
Sulaiman: I’m only 3 years old.
Me: Soon you’ll be 4 years old.
Sulaiman: I want to be stronger like Ayah.
Me: Well Ayah is a 30 year old man.
Sulaiman: I want to be 99 years old. Will I be big and strong when I’m 99 years old?
Ayub: No, you’ll be dead.
Sulaiman: Mama, I’m pro now!
Me: Oh yeah?
Sulaiman: Yeah! See, I got 200 coins!
Me: Wow, good job!
Sulaiman: I’m pro! But Ayub is super pro like Ayah.
Me: Ok. But you still didn’t beat my high score. Which means I’m super pro too.
Sulaiman: No no no. You not pro Mama. Sulaiman is pro. Ayub is super pro. Ayah is super pro also. Mama not pro.
Me: But I have the high score…
Sulaiman: No Mama. You not pro.