A Discussion on Grandfathers

Ayub: Why got two Atuks, Mama?

Me: Because Atuk means grandfather in Bahasa, and you have two grandfathers. So you have two Atuks.

Ayub: Atuk is grandfather?

Me: Yes. One Atuk is Ayah’s father. The other Atuk is Mama’s father.

Ayub: Then… who is Ayub’s father?

Me: Ayah is your father.

Ayub: Oh yeah!

Sulaiman: Atuk got no hair. Atuk is bald. In Bahasa Atuk is botak.



Steve Jobs’ Gift to Me.

Ayub: Mama, why is Ayub spelled A Y U B?

Me: Because that’s how it’s spelled baby.

Ayub: But “EYE-YUB,” it’s like EYE-YUB.

Me: Yessss…

Ayub: Why it’s not I Y U B like Iyub?

Me: Because the letter “i” makes an “ee” sound.

Ayub: What. Then what sound does the letter “e” make?

Me: The letter “e” makes the “uh” sound.

Ayub: What. Uh?

Me: The letter “a” makes an “ah” sound like “ah-yub.” With an “i” it would be “ee-yub.”

Ayub: But the iPad is like “i” and Ayah iPhone is like “i” and Ayub is also like “iYub.”

Me: Ok. iYub.




Pinky and the Brain in Human Form

Ayub: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jaaaar?!

(Sulaiman busy reading a little book)

Ayub: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jaaar?! … Sulaiman stole the cookie from the cookie jar!

Sulaiman: Not now Ayub. I’m reading my book.

Ayub: But I wanna pla–

Sulaiman: Ayub. Not now.

Ayub: 🙁

Ayub: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Sulaiman stole a cookie from the cookie jar!

Ayub: (singing in a “Sulaiman” voice) Who me?

Ayub: Yes YOU!

Ayub: (singing in a “Sulaiman” voice) Couldn’t be!

Ayub: Then who?!

Ayub: (singing in a “Sulaiman” voice) AYUB STOLE A COOKIE FROM THE COOKIE JAR!

Ayub starts laughing, Sulaiman rolls his eyes and ignores him.


And it totally reminds me of these guys:

chilcren speak say funny things   children speak say funny things




I Think I Made Him More Confused.

Ayub: Mama, where do cats come from?

Me: Cats?

Ayub: Yeah, do cats come from the ground? Like potatoes?

Me: Ohhh… no, cats come from mama cats.

Ayub: What?

Me: Mama cats have baby cats in their tummy, then they give birth to the baby cats… kittens.

Ayub: A kitten is a baby cat.

Me: Yup. Like the baby in Mama’s tummy. Cats are like that.

Ayub: Cats don’t come from potatoes. Cats come from Mama’s tummy.

Me: Yup. Hmm…




We’re a Family of Pirates

Sulaiman: That one is me!

Me: What’s that?

Sulaiman: That one! That’s me. That’s Sulaiman!

He points to this dude:

Children speak say funny things

Me: Awww… You’re the little one.

Sulaiman: Yeah, because I’m little. I’m Cubby. That one is Ayub! Ayub is the big boy! Ayub is Jake.

He points to this dude:

children speak say funny things

Sulaiman: Mama is the girl. That one is Mama. She’s a girl like Mama. I like her.

Me: Aw, I’m so pretty. I’m Izzy!

He points to this girl:

children speak say funny things

Sulaiman: And that’s Ayah.

Me: Who’s Ayah?

Sulaiman: That one.

Me: This guy with the pirate hat?

Sulaiman: No. That one. The small one.

Me: The small one?

Sulaiman: Yah. The parrot. The parrot is Ayah.

children speak say funny things
