Where do eggs come from?

Me: Ayub, do you know where eggs come from?

Ayub: Yeah, from the supermarket!

Me: Haha, no actually they come from chickens!

Ayub: Oh yeah! The chickens carry the eggs in the supermarket Mama?

Me: Yeah, kind of.

Mr Ninja: Ayub, Ayub! Do you know where babies come from?

Ayub: Yeah! Babies come from Mama’s tummy!

Mr Ninja: Noo-

Me: Yes, that is correct. Babies come from Mama’s tummy. Go away Ayah.

Mr Ninja: Hehehe




Ayub: the Gun-Toting Dinosaur in a Tourist Disguise

Getting ready to go to their grandparents’ place and Ayub has his schoolbag on his back, Sulaiman’s schoolbag on his front, a water bottle in one hand, and a straw hat on his head.

Me: Hahaha… Ayub, you look like a tourist!

Ayub: What?! A tourist?

Me: Yeah, a cute little tourist.

Ayub: A tourist… Is that like a dinosaur?

Me: No no, a tourist is a person on holiday.

Ayub: Hmm… I think I look like a dinosaur like rawr!

Me: Ok.

Ayub: (thinking for a while) I NEED A GUN!





What Happens When the Internet Goes Down

Lying down in bed nursing morning sickness and havoc breaks loose in our little home… Ayub is on the laptop, Sulaiman is playing with my phone, Mr Ninja is playing on his PC…


Mr Ninja: The internet is down!

Me: Oh.

Mr Ninja: Can I use your phone to call Unifi?

Me: Yah. I think Sulaiman has it.


Overheard as Mr Ninja walks to the living room where the kids are…

Mr Ninja: Sulaiman..? Sulaiman, Ayah needs to use Mama’s phone.

Ayub: Sulaiman don’t know how to spell “YouTube”

Mr Ninja: There’s no internet so there’s no YouTube

Sulaiman: I want YouTube!!!

Mr Ninja: There’s no internet…

Ayub: How to spell YouTube? Sulaiman don’t know.

Mr Ninja: I need to call the internet company to fix the internet…

Sulaiman: Ayah, Mama phone not working!

Mr Ninja: Give me Mama’s phone…

Ayub: The computer is broken!

Mr Ninja: There’s NO internet…

Sulaiman bursts into tears.

Mr Ninja: -_-‘




Such Confuse, Much Why.

Talking to Ayub after our pasta dinner.

Ayub: Is the baby in the tummy eating now?

Me: Yeah, maybe.

Ayub: Is she eating pasta?

Me: Yeah, the same pasta Mama just ate.

Ayub: Awwww… She likes pasta, like Ayub.

Me: Yeah.

Ayub: What if she chokes Mama? Ohmygod she can choke Mama! What’s going to happen? How? The baby is choking on pasta!

Me: No, she won’t choke. Don’t worry. It’s all liquid, like water… And… she doesn’t drink it in her mouth… it goes to her belly button.

Ayub: …What?! She drink in her belly button?!

Me: Well… yes.

Ayub: Oh my God baby why?!




Sulaiman’s Excuses to NOT Go to Bed

Every night at 9pm I’ll say, “Babies, it’s time for bed…” This is often followed by kisses and cuddles from Ayub and multiple objections from Sulaiman. Here is a compilation of Sulaiman’s favorite excuses to not go to bed:

No, I don’t want to sleep…

  • I want 10 more minutes
  • I want 20 more minutes
  • I want 100 more minutes
  • I want McDonalds
  • I want to go swimming
  • I want rice and chicken
  • I want cereal and milk
  • I want plums
  • I want Mama sleep first
  • I want to play toys
  • I want to bathe again
  • I want phone
  • I want computer
  • I want to watch Inside Out
  • I want to watch Tangled
  • I want to watch Frozen
  • My pajamas are too long
  • My pajamas are too short
  • I want to wear different pajamas
  • I want medicine
  • I want to go Amah Atuk house
  • I want to message Ah Ku
  • I want to phone Ayah
  • I want to write my email