Long Weekends with Grandparents

The kids spent their 2-day school holiday at their grandparents because Mr Ninja and I couldn’t take leave from work…


Me: Ayub, Sulaiman… Time to get ready, we’re meeting Amah and Atuk for lunch.

Sulaiman: Amah and Atuk agaaaain?!

Me: Yup. They want to have lunch with us.

Sulaiman: Oh man. I don’t want.

Me: Don’t say that…

Sulaiman: I want Mama, Ayah and Sulaiman have lunch only.

Me: What about Ayub?

Sulaiman: Ayub can have lunch with Amah and Atuk. I don’t want Ayub.



children speak say funny things

It Was NOT Obvious… I Still Can’t Even… No.

Ayub: What’s that yellow man name his hands like this? (Makes his hand look like the letter C)

Me: Whut.

Ayub: The yellow man. What’s his name?

Me: Who?

Ayub: His hands like this? (Waves C-shaped hand in my face)

Me: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is this a real person?

Ayub: Noooooo… Yellow man, the yellow man!

Me: Whaaaa… Is this a cartoon?

Ayub: Nooooooo… His name, what’s his name?!

Me: Ayah help!

Mr Ninja: Uh?

Ayub: Yellow man with hands like this (C-shaped hand claw thing), what’s his name?

Mr Ninja: Lego?

Ayub: Yeah!

Mr Ninja: Emmet.

Ayub: Yeah, Emmet!!!

Me: Wha– How..?!

Mr Ninja: It’s obvious.


children speak say funny things






Such Sibling Rivalry…

Sulaiman: Mama is the cutest!

Me: Awww! Thank you.

Sulaiman: Ayah is the smartest!

Me: I don’t know about that…

Sulaiman: And Sulaiman is the smallest!

Me: Yes you are. What about Ayub?

Sulaiman: Ayub?!

Me: Yeah, what’s Ayub?

Sulaiman: Ayub is the… schmmmellest.

Me: Smelliest?

Sulaiman: No. Schmmmellest.

Me: That’s not a real word.

Sulaiman: Yeah that’s Ayub. Schmmmellest.




