Ayub: Berdarahkuuuu!!!
Me: Negaraku…
Ayub: Nerakakuuuuu!!!
Me: Ne-ga-ra-ku.
Ayub: Nerarakuuuuu!!!
Me: …
Ayub: I don’t know.
Me: …
Ayub: …

Me: Ayub, Mama went to the doctor today to take a picture of the baby in the tummy…
Ayub: Oh yah? Can I see Mama?
Me: Yup, that’s what I want to show you… (I pass the ultrasound to him)
Ayub: Awwwww… it’s so cute what is it?
Me: That’s the baby…
Ayub: That’s the baby?! Is that the baby face??
Me: No, this is the head and this is the body. Baby is really small.
Ayub: Oh yeah… I don’t understand. Baby looks weird.
Me: Yeah. It’s a weird picture.
Ayub: It’s weird like a girl, like a sister. Is baby a sister? It’s weird like… Ayub sister.
Me: Stop it Ayub, you’re driving me nuts.
Sulaiman: Yah stop it Ayub, you giving Mama nuts!!
Ayub: Nooo! I not giving Mama nuts!
Me: You’re driving me nuts.
Sulaiman: Yah, Ayub is nuts!
Me: He is!
Sulaiman: I got no nuts!
Ayub: Noooo… Ayub got no nuts. Sulaiman is nuts.
Me: You’re both nuts and driving me nuts.
Sulaiman: Yah, I driving nuts like vrooooooooom!
Sulaiman and I are sitting side-by-side at the bottom of the staircase, waiting to use the toilet that is currently occupied by Mr Ninja.
Sulaiman: (whispers in my ear) Washawashawasha!
Me: (whisper in his ear) Hi!
Sulaiman: (whispers in my ear) Hi!
Me: (whisper in his ear) I like strawberries!
Sulaiman: (whispers in my ear) Me too!
Me: (whisper in his ear) Will you be my friend?
Sulaiman: (whispers in my ear) OK!
Me: (whisper in his ear) I love you!
Sulaiman: (whispers in my ear) I love… Ayah!
Me: Hey!
Sulaiman: (laughing) I love Ayah SOOOOOOO much. Not you Mama. Heeheeheehee!
I am not a girly girl so the boys have never waited more than 10 minutes for me to get ready. Mr Ninja’s little sister, Aunty Adik, on the other hand took two hours to get dressed (love u Adik Ninja muh muh!)
Ayub: Are we going now?
Me: Not yet baby, we have to wait for Aunty Adik.
Ayub: Oh my Gooood it’s so slooooow…
Me: Yeah… I’m sure Aunty Adik is nearly done…
Ayub: Are we going to wait FOREVER?!
Sulaiman: Before Sulaiman is 3 years old… Now Sulaiman is 6 years old…
Me: It does feel like a long time…
Sulaiman: Soon Sulaiman become 100 years old…
Ayub: And then we die.