Schooled by a 3-yr old

Sulaiman takes Mandarin as a third language at his kindergarten. We’re coloring in his coloring book.

Sulaiman: Here Mama, you take hong se.

Me: What’s that?!

Sulaiman: Hong se Mama. Red color.

Me: Oh. Ok. Hong se.

Sulaiman: I take fenhong se.

Me: Wahong se.

Sulaiman: (laughing) What Mama?! Not wahong se. Fenhong se.

Me: Fahong se.

Sulaiman: Fen-hong-se.

Me: I don’t know.

Sulaiman: You so cute Mama. You just take hong se only.




The Friendly Baby Lizard that wanted to eat Sulaiman

Sulaiman: Mama… There’s a lizard in my room in our house!

Me: Oh yeah. He won’t hurt you, don’t worry.

Sulaiman: He want to eat Sulaiman!

Me: Noooo… He’s so small. Sulaiman is SOOOOO big. The lizard only eats mosquitoes.

Sulaiman: The lizard got no papa and no mama and no brother.

Me: Yeah, he’s all alone.

Sulaiman: The lizard is a baby.

Me: He is.

Sulaiman: The lizard is my friend.




I Am The Odd One Out

Me: Ayub… stop touching yourself.

Ayub: No… I can’t… it’s stuck!

Me: It’s stuck? Does it hurt?

Ayub: No Mama! It’s just stuck…

Me: Oh. Well unstick it and stop touching.

Ayub: Mamaaaaa… You don’t know. You don’t have one.

Sulaiman: Yah. You don’t have one. Ayub and Sulaiman and Ayah have one!

Me: Okaaaay…

Ayub: Mama, you only have hair.


Kitten is the New White

Sulaiman: What’s “black” in Bahasa, Mama?

Me: Black is hitam.

Sulaiman: Oh yeah. Black is hitam. And white is…

Me: Pu–

Sulaiman: Kitten.

Me: Kitten?!

Sulaiman: Yeah, like a baby cat.

Me: White is putih.

Sulaiman: No. Black is hitam. Red is merah. Orange is oren. And white is kitten.


The Art of Persuasion by a 3 Yr Old

(In my bedroom)

Sulaiman: Mama, can I have a vitamin?

Me: Sure baby…

(I open the vitamin bottle and give him one)

Sulaiman: Yay! Mmm! I like vitamin. Mama, can I have another vitamin?

Me: Just one a day baby. You can’t take so many.

Sulaiman: I want a vitamin!

Me: No. You can have another vitamin tomorrow. Ok?

Sulaiman: Okaaaay…


(I’m in the kitchen and I overhear a conversation from Mr Ninja’s Man-Cave)

Sulaiman: Ayah, can you help me?

Mr Ninja: Yup…

Sulaiman: Can you open this for me?

Mr Ninja: Ok.


(Sulaiman walks by the kitchen)

Me: Sulaiman… Did you take another vitamin?

Sulaiman: No I not take. Ayah give me.
