children kids speak say funny things

Sulaiman’s Take on Politics

We drive past a huge billboard about GST – the Goods & Services Tax that the government implemented on virtually every daily necessity thus slowly killing Malaysians 6% at a time.

Sulaiman: G… S… T… GST!

Me: Boo! I don’t like GST.

Sulaiman: I like GST!

Me: GST is the Goods & Services Tax. It means the politicians are taking Mama’s money.

Sulaiman: What?! They is taking Mama’s money?!

Me: Yup. Politicians taking my money. You want to be a politician Sulaiman?

Sulaiman: Yes.

Me: Are you going to implement GST too?

Sulaiman: No, I don’t like GST. I like HST!

Me: What’s HST?

Sulaiman: HST is Helps You Tea.

