Potty Training in 3 Days


Potty Training in 3 Days:

I remember when I potty trained Ayub he was 3 and a half years old. On the first day he wet himself a total of 15 times and pooped on the floor! Ahhh… good times. Lol.

By the third day he pretty much had it down. Clever fellow.

ayub potty training

Ayub sleeping on a plastic bag…

Sulaiman was 2 years old and terrified of sitting on the toilet, and refused his potty. He peed in the shower :O Took a little longer, but with fewer accidents.

This is a simple online program to help you and your baby potty train quickly and easily.

Created by bestselling author Carol Cline, this program cost the same amount as a diaper bag. So you’ve really nothing to lose in my opinion!

You can check it out here at Potty Training in 3 Days:



potty training