Driving home and we pass a lot of Malaysian flags, which Ayub has been calling “merdaraku,” “berdarahku” and other similar alternatives.
Ayub: Merdaraku? Why got so many merdaraku Mama?
Me: Merdaraku is not a word. There’s merdeka which means “independence,” and there’s negaraku which means “my country.”
Ayub: Oh yah!
Me: And that is the Malaysian flag. We call that jalur gemilang.
Ayub: Jalolamalang?
Me: Jalur gemilang, which means… What does it mean Ayah?
Mr Ninja: Uhhh… Glorious stripes..?
Me: Ok, done. Jalur gemilang means glorious stripes.
Sulaiman: No it’s not jalur gemilang, it’s JAGUNG gemilang.
Mr Ninja: (whispering) The Glorious Corn…