What Does Why Mean?

Ayub: Mama, what does “why” mean?

Me: “Why” is a word… that you use when you want to know the reason for something…

Ayub: What?

Me: Like, if I ask “why is the sky blue?” That means I want to know the reason that the sky is blue…

Ayub: Why you use “why”?

Me: See, you just used “why” because you want to know the reason to use “why.”

Ayub: But why?

Me: Why do you want to know why to use “why?”

Ayub: Yeah. What does “why” mean?

Me: “Why” is when you want to find out the reason. “Why do we use “why?”” That means what is the reason we use “why?”

Ayub: Oh yeah… But why?





The Ninja

The Ninja is a working mother of two. You can read about her journey as an aspiring housewife at www.NinjaHousewife.com or at her website about kinda being professional and stuff at www.LailaZain.com

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