Just When He Finally Started To Eat Chicken…

Ayub and Sulaiman had chickenpox last year. Ayub blamed it on chickenBought chicken today. Cooked it for dinner. It had a weird color and texture. Freaked me out. Mr Ninja ate it. He’s ok. 


Ayub: I want the chicken Mama.

Me: I know baby. But I think the chicken is bad and I don’t want you to become sick.

Ayub: But I like chicken. I want to eat the chicken.

Me: I know, I’m sorry. I’ll buy more chicken tomorrow and cook for you. But this one… This one is bad.

Ayub: It’s a naughty chicken?

Me: Not naughty. But I think if you eat it, you might get sick.

Ayub: Oh yeaaaaahh… Like when I eat the chicken and get the chickenpox!

Me: Nooooo…

Ayub: YEAH! The chicken is bad! It make me got chickenpox! I don’t want to eat chicken. Bad chicken!




I Thought He Genuinely Didn’t Hear Her… Until He Asked Me This.

Can’t figure out if he’s shy or just being a normal dude that doesn’t listen and/or reply when women talk to him. Picking up Ayub and Sulaiman from school…


Lil Girl: Bye Ayub! Ayub… byeeee…

(Ayub puts on one shoe)

Lil Girl: Ayuuuuub… Bye Ayub!

Ayub: Uh.

Lil Girl: Byeeeee!!

(Ayub puts on the other shoe)

Lil Girl: Oh Ayub! I’m going on holiday tomorrow. So I’ll only see you next week ok?

Me: Ayub, your friend is talking to you…

Ayub: (Zero reaction)

Lil Girl: Next week on Monday I’ll be back ok Ayub? …Ayub? I’ll see you… I’ll see you soon…

Ayub: (Nothing)


We get in the car…

Ayub: What’s “see you” mean? What’s… What’s “see you soon” mean, Mama?

Me: Ohhh… It’s when you say goodbye to someone, but you know that you will see that person again. Then you say “see you soon…” Like your friend just now…

Ayub: Yeah?

Me: She’s going on holiday… But she’ll be back next week…

Ayub: Oh. (Silence) 


Cute, no? Or weird. Knowing Ayub, probably weird.


A Reader Submission From My 9-yr Old Niece

Nothing gets me more excited than receiving Reader Submissions for Children Speak Funny.

Earlier this evening I received a bunch of messages from my 9-yr old niece, Tasneem, using her grandmother’s phone.

children speak say funny things

children kids speak say funny things

Isn’t that adorable?!

Tasneem is 9, Yusuff is 8, Idriss is 5 and Shuibb is 4.

I wrote a transcript of the alleged conversations based on Tasneem’s story:


Yusuff is sick taking medication. His little brother Shuibb thinks medicine is nice…

Tasneem: Hi Shuibb!

Shuibb: (fake sneezing) *atoo *atoo… I’m sick.

Tasneem: Really? You’re sick?

Shuibb: Yeah, I’m sick. I want medicine.

Tasneem: If you’re sick then go upstairs and rest with Yusuff.

Shuibb: No! I’m not sick!


The next day Shuibb is down with a runny nose…

Tasneem: Shuibb, are you sick?

Idriss: (out of nowhere) Now you have to eat yucky medicine!

Shuibb: I’M NOT SICK!!!

The End.



I Don’t Know How They Hold It In For So Long…

Picking the kids up from school and I notice Sulaiman is wearing the same shorts he wore this morning, rather than the extra pair I packed in his bag that he would normally change into after his afternoon bath. This can only mean one thing…

Me: Sulaiman… Did you shishi in your shorts?

Sulaiman: No I poo-poo in my shorts!


I stand corrected. It can actually mean two things.


